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Home > Entertainment > Ultimate video game weapon?

So many weapons to choose from! I have picked out a handful here that have given the world a lot of fun in recent years. There is no strict rule for this poll over what constitutes as a weapon, it can be anything from the tank in Space Invaders to a “Sonic Boom” in Street Fighter. Add some more of your favourites!


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1) Banana - Mario Kart

Not very deadly, but so much fun to deploy! I think most of you that have played this game will know what I mean :-)

mario kart banana2

2) Golden Gun - Goldeneye

One shot kills! This gun proved to be at its best in multi-player mode when sneaking up behind your buddies and getting those easy points.

goldeneye golden gun

3) BFG 9000 - Doom

This gun must be one of the best total wipe-out weapons of any game. Kill a whole room of monsters in one strike! Doom changed shoot-em-ups forever, and this gun was one of many features that propelled Doom into video game history.

bfg 9000 doom

4) Hadouken - Street Fighter 2

This move was great fun, pretty easy to pull off, and awesome when your opponent was just landing from a jump and hits your fireball!

ryu street fighter

5) AK47 - Counter-Strike

A seriously versatile bit of kit, and really satisfying when you make that perfect head-shot from a long distance! This one was not for beginners, but when mastered well it proved to be a great way to get your score up.

ak47 counter strike

6) Energy Sword - Halo Series

This weapon is extremely powerful, but only useful in close combat fighting. Good fun though!

energy sword halo

7) M1 Garand - Call of Duty 2

Although in Call of Duty 2 this gun was not entirely accurately portrayed due to the way you could not re-load part way through a clip, in this game the M1Garand was a good versatile bit of kit.... and it made such a great sound too!

m1 garand

8) Supersonic - Sonic 2

Classic retro gaming at its best… supersonic was seriously awesome. This blue spikey little dude has stood the test of time, nearly twenty years later SEGA are still cashing in on his fast-paced style.

supersonic sonic 2

9) RPG - Half-Life

Now this was a seriously cool weapon. Fire off those rockets and guide them into an un-suspecting helicopter! Genius.

rocket launcher half life

10) Remote Control Batarang- Batman Arkham Asylum

An amazing gadget featured in the new batman- arkham asylum game which lets you fire the batarang and control its every direction to your final destination. Whether that be slitting a goons throat or chopping off a limb, it's definitely a weapon must have!

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11) Proton Pack - Ghostbusters

Awesome to watch when the original movie was released back in the 80s, and now even better to play with in this latest game of the Ghostbuster series. And yes… you can blast the chandeliers off the ceilings in the hotels!

ghostbusters ps3
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