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Home > Bizarre > Coolest Lego creation?

These Lego models and creations are somewhat more complicated and intricate than the small castles and and houses I used to make when I was a kid. I'm liking the world record Lego tower though, I personally never managed to get it taller than my head.


Comments (4)

Yeah, im sure I could do that, and his staircase too haha.

By igor (3312) - Prophet | 14.11.09

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I'm liking Escher's waterfall that's pretty smart.

By pearshaped (1586) - Prophet | 14.11.09

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Einstein is alive!

By muddbandit (2427) - Prophet | 14.11.09

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The giraffe is awesome!

By igor (3312) - Prophet | 14.11.09

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1) James Mays' House

A lifesize Lego house, every kids dream. Even with a working flushing toilet.

lego house

2) Hans Solo

Lifesize re-creation. Does not carbon freeze people though so don't try.

lego hans solo

3) Volvo XC90

This is really cool, it looks exactly like the car. Obviously the windows are not entirely see through, but who needs that right?

volvo lego model

4) Lifesize Giraffe

Better than owning a real one, no feeding time, no mess, no enclosures.

lego giraffe

5) C3PO and Clone Wars Trooper

Brilliantly done. C3P0 even looks nervous. Mind you I think anyone would with a gun next to your face!

lego c3po and bounty hunter

6) Harpsichord

Just beautiful.

lego piano
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7) Tallest ever Lego tower

Its really really high. But does it count if it is supported by cables and not free standing? Still cool though.

tallest lego tower

8) Einstein

The legendary genius is back with a bigger head and a bigger brain!

lego einstein

9) Escher’s Waterfall

A re-creation of the famous optical illusion. Good job.

escher lego waterfall

10) Lego sushi

lego food
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11) iphone

At least the screen won't crack on this one if you drop it. No internet though.

lego iphone
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12) Mount Rushmore

Four wise men immortally sculptured into a cliff face, and now out of Lego.

lego rushmore

13) Air conditioner

Allegedly this Lego air conditioner actually works too!

lego air conditioner

14) Sponge Bob Square Pants

Someone needs to make him his pineapple house out of Lego now he is out of the sea.

lego sponge bob sqaure pants

15) Back to the future

Oh wait.... where is Einstein!?

lego back to the future

16) Harry Potter

Oh dear Harry has incorrectly cast a spell and turned himself into Lego!

lego harry potter

17) Inauguration of Dubai metro on the 09/09/09

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